Staff Member

  1. Memorandum Requesting to Hold Examination, which specifies desired qualifications and roster of the Committee on Consideration for Specific Position (Interview), the documents addressed to Vice President for Human Resources
  2. Job Description Sheet
  3. Proposal of Roster of Tutors, dully affixed with signatures of all of them.

  1. Vice President for Human Resources – Chairperson of the Subcommittee
  2. Deanor the assigned Vice Dean, or Director of School/Institute – Subcommittee Member
  3. Head of Department/Chief of Field, or Secretary of School/Institute, or Director of Office or equivalent, or Head of Unit or Head of Section – Subcommittee Member
  4. Operative Tutors – Subcommittee Members
  5. Director of Human Resource Management Office – Subcommittee Member.

  1. Part of Written Examination and/or Practical Examination (100 Points) and
  2. Part of Evaluation for Suitability to Position (Interview) (100 Points)
A person scoring at least 50% in each part under the program and 60% in combine

Answer: Positions, which can request to hold qualification examinations, comprise: 1.Lecturer; 2. Researcher; 3. Position in Field of Scarcity; 4. Position, which requires a Staff Member highly experienced in work.
Answer: Schedule of written examination and interview shall be announced on the same website as the announcement on recruitment. The University shall announce the examination schedule within 7 days after the admission is closed.
Answer: If there is an applicant passing the interview, HRM shall notify the Unit about the day, on which the applicant can commence work.
If there is no applicant passing the examination, in a case where the Unit wants to hold the examination again, a new Memorandum must be submitted.

The University's Employee

  1. In a case of new hire, the Unit must refer the prospect to medical check-up and get the results for supporting the employment
  2. The employment documentation should be submitted before the 15th of each month, otherwise, the salary on that month will not be in time
  3. Hiring should give regard to Severance Pay, which the Unit would pay, if the Employment would not be renewed, and which would be expenditure of the Unit
  4. Position and Salary – the Unit must consider according to duties and position class, thereby comparing with the positioning standard of the Staff Member as criteria for hiring, not the educational qualifications
  5. Personal Background Check – before hiring the University's new Employee, the Unit is required to check personal profile, such as employment background, employment termination, and receipt of Severance Pay from the University at Human Resource Management Office
  6. Execution of Employment Contract and Performance Probation Evaluation – as hiring a person concerns Severance Pay, therefore, in executing an Employment Contract to hire any person for the first time, the Unit must agree on duties and implementation of performance probation evaluation at every 3 months of work, thereby using Form Evaluating Performance Probation of the University's Employee, in order to use the results of performance probation evaluation for supporting decision to continue the employment, or continue the performance probation. And if performance during the probation does not yield result, the Unit can terminate the employment (without Severance Pay, in a case of employment of less than 120 days and notice of employment termination being given in advance of 1 month)
  7. After the University's Employee satisfied performance probation evaluation at every 3 months for the 4th time, the Unit shall evaluate the performance at every 6 month, in accordance with the same evaluation period as the University's Staff Member thereby using Form Evaluating Performance Probation of the University's Employee.

  1. Memorandum of Reasons for Hiring
  2. For Requesting Approval for Hiring the University's Employee
  3. Employment Contract of the University's Employee, in 3 copies (1 for the Employee; 1 for the Unit; and 1 for HRM)
  4. For of Brief Personal Background of the University's Employee
  5. Job Description
  6. Copies of Educational Diploma
  7. Copy of Household Registration and Copy of National Identification Card or Passport
  8. Positioning/Repositioning and Promotion

Promotion of Academic Staff Member

  1. Tenure in the current position
  2. Score of performance evaluation of past 3 period
  3. Level of performance evaluation of past 3 consecutive period; (In a case of Fast Track Promotion).

  1. Form Supporting Consideration for Promotion of Academic Staff Member to Class ว2-ว6
  2. For Summarizing Duties of Past 2 Years
  3. Form Summarizing Performance under the Criteria for and Approaches to Considering Performance of Academic Staff Member, Who Requests Evaluation for Promotion
  4. Form Evaluating Academic Performance of Past 4 Semesters
  5. Documentation of Performance under Evaluation of Item 4

Answer: Filling information in the documentation must give regard to integrity and completeness, and definitely mentioning information concerning:
  1. Method of promotion
  2. Description of pass performance

Answer: Intranet > MyEvaluation System > select semester/academic year to work with > Academic Work (whereby Academic Staff Member apply information of the score to filling Promotion Form, Topic – Academic Performance Evaluation Score by Semester, and Average Score. Include the average score for being applied to filling Promotion Form, Topic – Summary of Performance Evaluation and Salary Level Promotion of Past 5 Years).
  1. Topic “Summary of Performance Evaluation and Salary Level Promotion of Past 5 Years” is information concerning average score, which are used in performance evaluation at every 6 months, whereby filling the score is put in only 1 decimal point
  2. Topic “Academic Performance Evaluation Score by Semester” is information concerning performance score by semester (performance score by semester, which is extracted from MyEvaluation System, whereby filling the score is put in only 1 decimal point.
  1. Apply information from Form Evaluating Academic Performance in MyEvaluation System to completely filling Form Summarizing Past Duties, and completely specify information of performance as to demonstrate duties to the evaluator
  2. To fill information concerning duties of past 2 years (4 semesters)

Answer: To prepare Form Summarizing Performance under Criteria for and Approaches to Promotion of Academic Staff Member, please completely specify performance, including explain details demonstrating results from performance or impact demonstrated by aspects, such as implementing projects on dissemination of knowledge to the community in the topic of repair of electric appliances, the Applicant for evaluation performed duties as lecturer, who administered training to the community, the expected result of this project was that the community would be able to initially hypothesize the cause of damage of electric appliances, and would be able to perform preliminary repair, for example, repairing a plug of an electric fan, which leaks, etc.
Answer: In a case where the Applicant did not apply performance to My Evaluation System, and wants to apply such performance to supporting consideration for promotion, the Applicant can do so by preparing a Memorandum through the chain of command, and attaching relevant documentation to support consideration for promotion, provided that the time of performance must be relevant to the time of the application for promotion evaluation.
Answer: Staff Member must give regard to and take into account of the Committee's suggestions or observations and presentation of performance for promotion evaluation must demonstrate performance in accordance with the Committee's suggestions or observations, whereby the said approach indicate the Applicant's care. The Committee must apply previous consideration results, including suggestions and observations, to supporting current consideration, as to account increasing potential of development.
  1. Form Supporting Consideration for Promotion of Academic Staff Member to Class ว2-ว5
  2. Form Summarizing Duties of Past 2 Years
  3. Form Summarizing Performance under Criteria for and Approaches to Considering Performance of Academic Staff Member, Who Applies for Promotion Evaluation
  4. Form Evaluating Academic Performance of Past 4 Semester.

  1. Consideration of qualifications with respect to suitability of the Applicant for the current position and the position to be promoted is to give opinions on specifications and personal characteristics
  2. Consideration giving opinions on summary of suitability for the position to be promoted is to give opinions on potential of the Applicant's duty performance in the position to be promoted, thereby considering suitability to the position according to measures for positioning
  3. Consideration of quantitative performance (consideration of performance evaluation score) and qualitative performance is to give opinions on overview of the Applicant's past performance, whether it is suitable for the position to be promoted
  4. Consideration giving opinions on about items, which need to be improved, enhanced/encouraged for revolution, including giving score of duty performance in a higher class, in order to enhance knowledge and proficiency in performance as to be suitable for the higher position
Answer: Manual of Academic Staff Member Promotion, whereby information can be searched on Intranet>Document>the University's Staff Member Promotion>Academic Staff Member Promotion.
Answer: Ms. ARAM JAIKLA, Telephone: 0-2470-8075, or submit a question to be asked at aram.jai@mail.kmutt.ac.th.

Promotion of Staff Member in Other Professional Field

Answer: A Staff Member must submit the promotion documentation, along with Memorandum for Promotion Consideration from the Unit, to Human Resource Management Office, as follows:
1. A Staff Member, who is fully qualified and wishes get evaluation for promotion on the 2nd of April, shall submit documentation for promotion within the 1st - 15th of April under the period of promotion in each year
2. A Staff Member, who is fully qualified and wishes get evaluation for promotion on the 2nd of April, shall submit documentation for promotion within the 1st - 15th of April under the period of promotion in each year.

Answer: If any document needs correction, it must be completed within the stipulated date for such document. If the stipulated elapses, the matter shall be proposed to consideration for promotion in the next period, whereby the Staff Member must be fully qualified under the University's criteria for promotion consideration before the effective date of promotion in the next period.
Answer: Calculation of performance score, the 1st time is performance of 1 year (April and October), provided that presentation of performance shall take into account performance score of past 3 consecutive years.
Answer: A Staff Member can use a result of an English proficiency test for supporting promotion consideration until the date of submission of documentation requesting promotion of the University's Staff Member.
Answer: Because Committee on Promotion Scrutiny finds that most of Staff Members, who propose for promotion, present performance for promotion by compiling the documentation, comprising Form or Memorandum, messages, images of performed activities, orders in relevant tasks, etc., but lacking prioritization of activities, which are desired to be presented as performance for promotion, lacking analysis of value of the activities performed by themselves, and lacking analysis of positive impact of the activities on the Unit or the University, as well as lacking clarity in direction of future development and growth.
  1. For Staff Members, rules on payment of academic position allowance are in accordance with Rules on Payment of Academic Position Allowance, B.E. 2550 (2007), Amendment (No. 2) B.E. 2555 (2012);
  2. For Civil Servants, rules on payment of academic position allowance are in accordance with Rules and Conditions for Receipt of Position Allowance of Civil Servant in Higher Education Institutes (referring to Letter of Office of the Higher Education Commission No. ศธ 0509(2)/ว 1435, dated the 18th of November 2010).

Answer: The University shall disburse academic position allowance for Assistant Professors, Class ว2 – ว6, Associate Professors, Class ว3 – ว6, and Professor, Class ว4 – ว6, whereby the rates of academic position allowance payment for Staff Member shall be in accordance with the criteria stipulated by the University.
Answer: Submit documentation in the same manner as proposal for promotion of Academic Group (ว), and Staff Members shall receive the allowance at the stipulated rate, when additional work is agreed with the University under the criteria stipulated by the Academic Council, in a case where the Professor must have been appointed and hold Position of Professor, Class ว6, for at least 3 years.

Change of Staff Member's Position

Answer: The Unit of Affiliation must prepare the matter submitted to Human Resource Management Office for analysis, and HRM to propose to Task Force for Consideration of Manpower Framework of the University's Staff Members in Other Professional Fields, in consideration for change of manpower framework, and the Task Force propose the matter to Personnel Administration Committee. If position framework is approved, HRM shall further proceed with the matter.
Answer: The Unit of Affiliation must prepare the matter submitted to Human Resource Management Office for analysis, and HRM to propose to Task Force for Consideration of Manpower Framework of the University's Staff Members in Other Professional Fields, in consideration for change of position, and the Task Force propose the matter to Personnel Administration Committee. If position framework is approved, HRM shall further proceed with the matter.
  1. Evaluation Form for Supporting Consideration for Change of Staff Member Position
  2. Form Evaluating Performance of Past 1 Year (Evaluation Month: April and October)
  3. Job Description
  4. Management Structure of Unit
  5. Form Stipulating Indicators of Activity Value and Necessary Skills/Characteristics for Supporting Request for Approval for Staff Member's Position Framework in Current Position, and Position to Be Changed
  6. Portfolio.

What are procedures for transfer of Position/Salary Rate/Rotation of Staff Member?

Answer: In a case of transfer of Position of and Rotation of a Staff Member, Memorandum of Mutual Agreements must be concluded between 2 Units, separated into 2 cases, being:
  1. A case of transfer of Position and Salary Rate, that is to say – in the Unit to transfer and the Unit to admit the Staff Member, there must be a Memorandum of Agreement in writing (definitely effective stipulating date/month/year)
  2. A case of rotation of a Staff Member to be affiliated in a Unit, the Unit to admit must have a position available for admitting (definitely effective stipulating date/month/year)
* In both cases, when the Unit reach mutual agreements, both Units shall prepare Memorandums of Agreements on transfer and rotation of Staff Member and submit to HRM, in order to further proceed with relevant actions.

Request for Staff Member's Degree Adjustment

Answer: No, because a Staff Member, who is qualified for degree adjustment, must be exclusively an Academic Staff Member.
Answer: documents to be submitted for supporting request for degree adjustment are as follows:
  1. Application Form for Staff Member's Degree Adjustment
  2. Original Certificate of Degree, along with 2 sets of copies, or Original Certificate of Educational Performance, along with 2 sets of copies
  3. Original Transcript, along with 2 sets of copies
  4. Order of Permission to Leave for Further Study, 1 set of copy
  5. Memorandum Reporting Back to Carry out Duties.
Remark : A Staff Member, who wishes to request for degree adjustment, must correctly and completely fill information and details in accordance with Application Form for Staff Member's Degree Adjustment, and submit the aforementioned documents to Human Resource Management Office for further processes.

 * Original documents, which Human Resource Management Office finishes verifying and proceeding with relevant actions, shall be returned.

Answer: Conditions for the effective date of the person, whose degree is adjusted/position is adjusted according to the degree, are as follows:
  1. Degree adjustment in a case where the education is completed before the date of reporting back to carry out duties, degree adjustment shall not be effective before the date of reporting back to carry out duties
  2. Degree adjustment in a case where the education is completed after the date of reporting back to carry out duties, degree adjustment shall not be effective before the date of education completion
  3. A person, who wishes to request for educational degree, must propose the matter for degree adjustment, along with valid and complete proof of educational degree to Human Resource Management Office within 60 days. If the matter is submitted to Human Resource Management Office beyond 60 days after the date of education completion/date of reporting back to carry out duties, degree adjustment shall not be effective before the day, on which Human Resource Management Office receives the request for degree adjustment, along with the valid and complete proof of educational degree.

Answer: In proposal requesting for Staff Member's Educational Degree Adjustment, the University shall consider the Applicant's qualifications as follows:
  1. The person has qualifications in accordance with description of teaching of the Department, Faculty, Institute, Center or School
  2. The person is permitted to take leave for further study beyond official time, whereby the University shall take into account knowledge, proficiency, responsibility, behaviors and suitability of the Staff Member, whose degree is to be adjusted, especially take description of duties to be performed and benefits to the Unit into primary consideration. 

Late Retirement of Civil Servant

Answer: The Unit must plan on the manpower in advance of 4 years before the normal retirement of the Civil Servant.

Transition of Civil Servant to Staff Member

  1. Form Expressing Intent to Transition
  2. Form Summarizing Evaluation of Civil Servant to the University's Staff Member in Other Professional Field, Operative Class
  3. Job Description
  4. Form Evaluating Performance of Past 1 Year
  5. Form Stipulating Indicators of Activity Value and Necessary Skills/Characteristics for Supporting Request for Approval for Transition to Staff Member
  6. Portfolio
  7. All documents are proposed through the chain of command, and submitted to Human Resource Management Office for further processes, provided that the Forms can be downloaded at http://intra.kmutt.ac.th/Portal/evl-main.asp

Answer: Fill in details, comparing the current position and class of the position to be transited from Civil Servant to Staff Member under the indicators in each topic.

Committee on Performance Probation Evaluation

Answer: Staff Member in Academic Position: 1. Head of Department or Chief of Field; 2. Head of Field or Qualified Expert in the Department; and 3. Qualified Expert outside the Department or Field, or outside the Program (in a case of Faculty of Arts), at least 1 person; a Staff Member in Non-Academic Position: 1. Direct Superior; 2. Higher Superior; 3. Qualified Expert from inside Unit or outside Unit, 1 person.
Answer: Faculty, School or Institute must have the Faculty's Committee or the School's Committee or the Institute's Committee consider scrutinizing and proposing a roster of Committee on Evaluation under the structure of the Faculty, School or Institute to President or the person so assigned by President for consideration and appointment.

Monitoring and Evaluating Probation Results of Staff Member under 90-Day Probation

Answer: Monitoring and evaluating performance probation results are separated into 2 phases as follows:
  1. Period of 30-45 days, commencing from the date of enrollment of the Staff Member to the Unit, the Superior shall monitor and evaluate performance probation results and advise the Staff Member on improvement (if applicable)
  2. During the 90-day period, your supervisor will track your work performance and notify HRM of your evaluation result for further process (the result will be submitted to HRM at least 10 days before the 90-day period is completed).

Performance Evaluation

Answer: The system is available all the time and you can select a semester and record your work.    
Answer: If you wish to change the assignment, a prior MOA from your supervisor is required before carrying out the work, which will be submitted to the university within 1 month from the date of such MOA (please see the manual on Work Performance Evaluation for Academic Staffs B.E. 2562 for more details).
Answer: If the mistake is found during a performance review, you can notify the evaluation committee to unlock the system and correct the result thereof.
  1. Your supervisor will inform each of you about the result of your work performance and provide feedback for your performance improvement. 
  2. You can check your recorded information by logging in to My Profile via the Intranet system and select Evaluation Result/Salary Raise.

Core Competency Evaluation

Answer: You can download the file by going to Intranet>Documents>Core Competency for Pilot Work Unit (Office of the President and Faculty of Engineering) (January 2016).
Answer: The above evaluation applies only to a certain pilot work unit. It does not have any effect on the salary raise review.  

Position, Salary, and Compensation

Answer: You can check the information by logging in to MyProfile via the Intranet system. Then, go to Evaluation Result/Salary Raise and check your salary status in column Max Value. 
Answer: The compensation paid to each university administrative staff already includes position allowance. As such, there will be no other prerequisites than normal compensation. 

Salary Raise for University Staffs

Answer: Notice Approval on Annual Salary Raise in Note column. It will keep you informed you whether your salary status has reached the maximum point or is reaching (the term ‘is reaching’ means your salary status is 10% left before reaching the Max point in your Salary Box).
Answer: KMUTT’s Regulations on Requirements for Salary Promotion for University Staffs B.E. 2555 (2011), Article 12 provides that any information relating to the salary, compensations, including salary promotion for university staffs shall be confidential and shall not be disclosed to any third parties.
Answer: The Reference Point is a reference value on which the calculation of salary for each university staff is based. For example, your salary is THB30,000. Supposed the Ref. Point for Group ว1 is THB20,000 and you are entitled to 5% salary raise. Then, the amount of your raise is THB1,000 and your total salary entitlement becomes THB31,000.    
Answer: The university will determine the rate of Reference Point for the calculation of salary raise for each Salary Box according to position structure and salary rate as approved by the Office of the University Council. The Reference Point is determined by an average salary rate and Mid Point in each Salary Box. The Reference Point may also be equal to Mid Point in any particular year. 

Salary Raise for Public Servants (performance rating using Forced Ranking method)

Scores between 90-100: A
Scores between 80-89: B+       
Scores between 70-79: B       
Scores between 60-69: C+       
Scores < 60: C and will not be considered for salary review.

Renewal of Employment Contract for Staffs

Answer: The process is carried out as follows:
  1. The bureau prepares and completes the performance evaluation form (to be filled out according to the type of staff). In case of using performance scores for renewal review, the number of reviews depend on how long the employee has been working for the university (see the annual budget year e.g. budget year for Apr./Oct. for reference).
  2. The review committees will evaluate the staff’s performance and provide feedback for each renewal proposal. If the staff’s performance fails to meet the requirements specified by the university and/or may potentially be unsatisfactory, the staff’s supervisor is required to notify his/her staff of the result and make a plan/express MOA with regard to human resources development to improve the staff’s performance.
  3. The bureau prepares the memo indicating its request, summary of performance review and supporting documents for the employment renewal to be submitted to the Human Resources Management Office for further process (for more information about the form completion, please visit https://hrm.kmutt.ac.th/)

Answer: The process is carried out as follows:
  1. Academic staffs are required to pass all criterion scores in university’s 5 academic groups, including the qualification scores. Their supervisor should take into account the given responsibility and work performance and should provide feedback for administrative staff’s review
  2. Staffs in other fields are required to pass the criterion scores for the following two requirements (1. Work performance; 2. Qualification). Please see “Manual on the Performance Evaluation for Staff in Other Fields at KMUTT” for more information. The staff supervisor should take into account the given responsibility and work performance and should provide feedback for administrative staff’s review.   
In case the staff’s performance fails to meet the requirements and/or may potentially be unsatisfactory, the following steps will be taken:
  • - The supervisor and staffs are required to make a plan/an express MOA with regard to human resources development to improve the staff’s performance in order to assist the staff to pass the expected criterion.

Employment Contract for Non-Permanent Employees (Expert Employee)

  1. 3 original copies of the Employment Contract for Expert Staff;
  2. 3 copies of job description (1 original and 2 copies)
  3. 3 copies of supporting documents for the Non-Permanent Staff Employment Contract or a MOA attached to the Employment Contract;
  4. 1 original copy of the Employment Contract for Expert Staff (English version) (in case of employing a foreigner);
  5. Documents relating to the plan for human resources development (if any).

  1. 3 original copies of the Employment Contract for Expert Staff;
  2. 3 copies of job description;
  3. 3 copies of supporting documents for the Non-Permanent Staff Employment Contract or a MOA attached to the Employment Contract; 
  4. 1 original copy of the Employment Contract for Expert Staff (English version) (in case of employing a foreigner);
  5. CV;
  6. A copy of Household Registration Book;
  7. A copy of identification card or passport;
  8. A copy of transcription.

  1. https://hrm.kmutt.ac.th > Forms > Evaluation / My Evaluation > Renewal Review
  2. http://intra.kmutt.ac.th > Documents > Position Structures; Performance Review; Salary Raise; Compensation > Non-Permanent Staff (Expert Staff) ** For academic staffs

Answer: The qualification requirements for the Expert Staff Performance Review Committees are the same as the qualification requirements for the University Staff Performance Review Committees, which are as follow:

 For academic staffs:
  1. Immediate supervisor;
  2. Superior supervisor;
  3. Qualified persons from external agency appointed by the Committee of Faculty/Office or equivalent.
Support Office for Academic Affairs; Administration Office and Support Office
  • • The evaluation will be conducted by an immediate supervisor and officers of higher ranks. 

Renewal of Employment Contract for University Employees

  • • The result of the performance will be considered for the review of employment renewal or probation extension. If the performance result does not meet the probation requirements, his/her employment will be terminated by his/her bureau (without severance pay in case of employment period of less than 120 days).
  • • If the university employee passes the 3-month probation review for the 4th time, a review of 6 months according the same review cycle as other university employees. If the bureau has changed the employee’s position during any extended employment, please specify clearly in the Memorandum.

  1. MOA;
  2. Approval Request Form for Employment of University Employee;
  3. 3 copies of Employment Contract for University Employee (1 copy for the employee, 1 copy for the bureau, 1 for HRM) > 3 copies of job description;
  4. Performance Evaluation Form.

Request for Designation of Academic Ranks

Please visit https://www.kmutt.ac.th/ using the university’s Intranet system and follow the following steps:
  1. Login to the Intranet system;
  2. Go to “Documents”, click topic 4. Designation of Position, Promotion, Ranks, select topic Regulations of King Monkut’s University of Technology Thonburi on the Requirements and Procedures for the Appointment and Revocation of Assistant Professor, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Adjunct Associate Professor, Professor, and Adjunct Professor B.E. 2557 (2014);
  3. For more information about the requirements for academic ranks designation, please go to “Documents”, click topic 4. Designation of Position, Promotion, Ranks, go to topic: Requirements and Procedures for the Designation of Academic Ranks for Instructors – Academic Employees – and Officials in Kor. Line B.E. 2550 (2007).

Answer: Teaching materials that have been prepared for more than 1 subject (equivalent to at least 2 credits) and have been used for teaching for more than 1 semester will be included for a teaching evaluation but no scores are provided.
Answer: The research article will be accepted as long as it is acknowledged by a letter from the editor of the international journal specifying the publication date of the article. If the qualified committees view that the article meets the specified quality and quantity requirements, it will be deemed accepted on the date of its publication.
Answer: No specific quantity is required by the university but the works should be produced at a reasonable amount as to show how proficient and resourceful the applicant is in the field he or she applies. Please note that quality precedes quantity.
Answer: No specific period for the reapplication is determined by the university. Any applicant that fails to receive the granting may re-apply for the appointment of academic ranks as soon as he has produced greater amount of academic works.
Answer: If a misrepresentation of the fact or plagiarism is found on the part of the applicant, he/she will be deemed to have breached the professional ethics. The university will cancel his/her application for academic rank appointment and impose disciplinary measures on him/her based on the seriousness of the offence and the relevant facts on a case-by-case basis and that applicant will be banded from re-applying for academic rank appointment for at least 5 years from the date the University Council approves his/her academic rank.    
Answer: No, you cannot. If you desire to propose your academic work, you can do it before your study leave or training leave is approved. The proposal can only be made during each regular working period.
Answer: No, unless otherwise the mentioned activities are conducted for the purpose of enhancing his/her academic knowledge or conducting an overseas research.
Answer: The proportion of work participation for the instructor is 60% of the proposed work. Any exceeding portion is required to include a reasonable explanation by the applying instructor.
Answer: It is required to specify all participating authors and it will be deemed that all authors have an equal amount of participation in the work. If some author is not available for the certification, please state clearly the reason why such author is absent from participation.
Answer: Yes, if the applicant has filed for the appointment before his/her retirement, resignation, or death, his/her application will be processed until completion without any amendment or revision of his/her academic work. 

Welfare and Benefits for the University Staffs and Employees

Answer: The benefits are provided as follows:
  1. Medical expenses, which are provided to the staff, his/her spouse, and his/her children aged below 20 years old;
  2. Group insurance;
  3. KMUTT’s provident fund;
  4. Severance pay in case of resignation, expiration of employment, or termination of employment;
  5. Occupational compensation;
  6. A prerequisite for his/her children to admit to the KMUTT for his/her study;
  7. Housing benefits;
  8. Funeral benefits;
  9. Funeral subsidy.

Answer: The benefits for a non-permanent staff and university employee are provided as follows:
  1. Medical expenses provided as a personal right;
  2. Group insurance;
  3. KMUTT’s provident fund;
  4. Severance pay in case expiration or termination of his/her employment;
  5. Occupational compensation;
  6. Funeral benefits;
  7. Funeral subsidy.

Medical Expenses

  1. Staffs with their employment commencing before March 7, 2003 and the staffs which have previously served as public servants are entitled to claim medical expenses for their parents, spouse, and children.
  2. Staffs with their employment commencing after March 7, 2003 are entitled to claim medical expenses only for themselves, their spouse, and children.

Answer: Yes, but not exceeding THB3,000 per each budget year and required to include the following documents for the claim:
  1. A copy of dental clinic license;
  2. Original copy of the medical receipt;
  3. Original copy of the medical certificate.

Accident Insurance

  1. In case of having an accident insurance card, you can show it to the hospital that has an MOU with the insurance company informed annually to you by the university without having to advance your medical expenses.  
  2. In case the hospital does not accept the accident insurance card or you forget to carry it along, you may admit to any other hospital and reimburse your medical expenses. Then, file your claim with the HRM along with the following supporting documents:
  • • Original copy of your receipt;
  • • Original copy of the medical certificate;
  • • Daily Case Report (if any).    


Answer: In case of death, you will not be entitled to compensation pursuant to the KMUTT’s Regulation B.E. 2557 (2014). The university will only provide a compensation to you when you resign or are dismissed. However, if a staff or employee with an extended employment after his/her retirement and has not received the compensation dies during such extension, the university will provide the compensation to his/her offspring(s) based on the employment period until his/her retirement.

Education Welfare for Employee’s Child

Answer: Staffs with their employment commencing before March 7, 2003 and staffs that have previously served as public servants are entitled to claim an educational reimbursement according to the specified rules. Please contact the Office of Treasury at 02-470-8129 for more information. 

Staffs with their employment commencing after March 7, 2003 are not entitled to claim the educational reimbursement for their children.

Housing Welfare

Answer: The university does have a special deal with the Governing Housing Bank and provides this benefit to its staffs as a welfare. The interested staff can request for a Welfare Entitlement Certificate from the Human Resources Management Office and show it to the bank along with the employee’s latest pay slip.

(The request form for this Certificate can be downloaded at https://hrm.kmutt.ac.th/ - Forms – Certificate – Request Form for Bank Housing Loan).

Funeral Subsidy

Answer: The staff will need to request his/her bureau to prepare a memo informing the Human Resources Management Office specifying the date and place of funeral.
  1. In normal case, the eligible person is the father or mother of the staff, a public servant, or a retired public servant who received a Royal Decoration from the level of Member (Fifth Class) of the Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand or higher.  
  2. In special case, the eligible person is the father or mother of the staff, a public servant, or a retired public servant who received a Royal Decoration from the level of Commander (Third Class) of the Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant or higher. The request for the Royal Cremation/Royal Soil can be made directly at the NVUCFO with the following supporting documents:
      • • Documents relating to the deceased, which are:
    1. 1 copy of Household Registration Book stamped with the word “dead”;
    2. 1 copy of identification card;
    3. 1 copy of Death Certificate.
      • • Documents relating to the Requestor:
    1. 1 copy of Household Registration Book;
    2. 1 copy of identification card/Military Identity Card/Employee Identity Card


Answer: The university staffs are eligible to receive the Royal Decoration under the rules and conditions set out in the Regulation of the Office of the Prime Minister. The Human Resources Management Office will process the request on behalf of the staff if he/she is eligible under the regulations. (For more information, please visit https://hrm.kmutt.ac.th/, Rules/Regulations – Royal Decoration)

Project Employees

Answer: The bureau is required to submit a memo requesting the Human Resources Management Office to provide the welfare package along with the following documents:
  1. Resume (this form can be downloaded at the Human Resources Management Office’s website;
  2. Copy of identification card;
  3. Copy of Household Registration Book;
  4. Copy of Educational Degree Certificate.
  5. Copy of the Memo specifying the employment between the requesting bureau and the employee on a project with a specified commencement date and termination date.
After the Human Resources Management Office has recorded the information into the system, it will request the bureau to submit the funds to the Office of Treasury to allocate as a benefit package at 1,500 baht/each/year to the project employee. The employee will receive the following benefits:
  1. Accident insurance (determined by the university);
  2. Annual health check;
  3. Employee Identity Card.


  1. The Certificate Request Form can be received at HRM
  2. visit https://hrm.kmutt.ac.th/ > Form > Certificate
  3. or Google form https://forms.gle/Vp9irJ1YoL3joLeW9
Answer: Within 1 day after receipt of the request (24 hours).
  1. Visa application;
  2. Financial transactions such as purchase of house or car;
  3. Employment-related transactions such as job application.

Employee Identity Card

Answer: You can renew the employee identity card by filing a request thirty days before its expiration.
Dresses for ID photo

Public Servant: White formal uniform/ Thai royal dress/University jacket over a white/cream shirt 
For men, plain black/navy blue tie without decorated pattern

University Staff/Employee:
Male: White/cream shirt without decorated pattern Plain black/navy blue tie without decorated pattern
Female: White/cream shirt without decorated pattern
Black/navy blue jacket

Permanent Employee: White formal uniform: standard white uniform Full-title and semi-title dress/ Operational dress uniform/university jacket over white/cream shirt
For men, plain black/navy blue tie without decorated pattern
Answer: You can submit your existing photo taken no later than 6 months to kmuttcard@kmutt.ac.th.