Provident Fund

Provident Fund

Answer: One of the welfares and benefits provided by the university to its employees and staff where contribution to the fund is made between the university employee and staff and the university/ Office of Treasury in the following manners and rates:     
  1. 4-8% of salary by permanent staff and 8% of salary by the university;
  2. 2-3% of salary by non-permanent staff and university employee and 2-3% of salary by the university.

  1. Encouraging people to make a long-term saving plan;
  2. Providing security for family members after their retirement, resignation, invalidity, or death;
  3. Using for tax allowance in accordance with specified rules.

Answer: All university employees and staff are eligible for the provident fund and their eligibility starts from the date of their employment commencement.
  1. University staffs can download the KSC.1/2558 Application Form at Fill out the application form and attach the self-evaluation form. Then, submit the documents to the Office of Human Resource Management.
  2. University employees can download the KSC.2/2558 Application Form at Fill out the application form and attach the self-evaluation form. Then, submit the documents to their bureau for a memo preparation to be submitted to the Office of Human Resource Management.